Spousal Support

Finalizing a Fort Worth Divorce Case

More Than Just a Divorce

The financial outcome of your divorce can have significant consequences for you and your future. Every legal separation in Fort Worth, Texas involves a certain amount of asset and debt assignment. Depending on your case, you may or may not also be looking at property division and alimony.

Things To Expect

Community Property

Division of community property can often be a confusing issue for individuals. Your divorce attorney in Fort Worth can sit down with you to answer any questions you may have about which of your owned properties are considered mutual and which properties are considered separate.

Dividing Property

Once community property has been established, it can be divided between spouses. This is not necessarily an easy or quick process, especially for items like houses, businesses, or retirement accounts. Marital debt can also be a factor in making this stage more complicated.

Spousal Payments

While alimony is never automatic, it is still awarded only in certain cases. Its purpose is to ensure that the divorce doesn’t cause undue living hardship to the less-moneyed spouse. Affecting factors often include the marriage term and earning capacity of each spouse.

Consult With An Attorney

You can find a divorce attorney Fort Worth law firm that is prepared to answer your questions and provide you with the advice you need in the event that you need spousal support or you’re required to support your spouse after you are legally separated.

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